Weiner Roast

Come and Join in an Old Fashioned Country Wiener Roast at Stan & Linda Rempel’s Farm! Saturday, July 20, Time:  4:30 pm – when the fire goes out. Location:  Stan & Linda Rempel’s Farm-directions can be emailed. Menu:  wieners, buns, condiments & ice tea will be provided.  If you want to bring a dessert along that would be appreciated. Please …

Baptism/Membership Sunday

Baptism/ Membership service for Pat Wanner. We will be celebrating her baptism & adding to membership Pat Wanner on July 28th during the service. Please join us in celebrating & welcoming her to GMC.

Welcome to Canada

Welcome to Canada Shower for our new family. Please join us Sunday July 14th following the service to meet, welcome, & have a shower for Bawi Bik Thawng, his wife Biak, & children: Ruth & Joshua. There will be coffee & please bring some goodies to share. Bring the items you signed up for on the list & anything else …

Farewell Lunch

Come and join us for a “Farewell Lunch” for Pastor Rodney & his family as they prepare for their new adventure/ job in the Maritimes. It will be on Sun, Aug 11, after the service. The GMC Hosting Committee will prepare Rodney’s requested meal of ‘farmers sausage & scalloped potatoes‘. We would ask for these food donations: A – K– …

New Bible

January 2025 marks the 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist faith tradition! To commemorate this historic event, Herald Press is publishing The Anabaptist Community Bible. This Study Bible, in the English Common translation, is supported by 7,200 marginal notes, community reflections from nearly 600 Bible Study groups, a 365 day Bible reading plan, suggestions for group Bible study and much more. While …


Vacation Time; Lynanne will be away for vacation for 2 weeks starting July 16 & she will be back in the office Tues July 30th. Department heads: If you have any invoices & vouchers that need to be paid in July they need to be in by July 11 or they will have to wait till the end of the …

Prayer Chain

“Don’t be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer & petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God” Phil 4:6. How can we pray for you? Prayer Chain:             If you have concerns & needs and would appreciate our prayer support, please call or email the office. Would you like to be part of the prayer chain? Participation is for …

Ladies Coffee

This Week’s Ladies Coffee Group: Tues afternoon  at Northgate Mall Foodcourt; 2pm. All ladies welcome!

Zoom Coffee With the Pastor

Weekly Zoom coffee time with the Pastor. Want to connect with other people from the church? Miss getting together? Can’t get out for services and fellowship times? We have a solution for you. Thursdays at 10am we will be having a weekly Zoom coffee time. Join Pastor Rodney and others from the comfort of your home. Zoom info each week …

Giving to GMC

Grace Mennonite Church now has Etransfer for giving. We have changed how offering is being collected. We will not be collecting offering by passing the offering plates, instead there is a locked drop box at the back of the sanctuary to drop your offering into as you enter or leave. Offering envelopes will be available by the box. Please etransfer …