About Us

Who We Are
We are a vibrant multi-ethnic, multi-generational Anabaptist Fellowship with more than 80 members, and a rich history of actively building community in the name of Christ for more than seventy years.



What we do

Rooted in the peaceful Anabaptist theology, Grace Mennonite Church strives to build passionate spirituality in our community, creating a nurturing, supportive witness for Christ, and service in His name.


What we believe

As a church, we offer Grace & Peace to stranger and friend in the name of Jesus Christ. As a part of the Mennonite Church of Canada, we adhere to the confession of faith in the Mennonite perspective.
We believe that God exists and is pleased with all who draw near by faith. We believe in Jesus Christ, we believe in the Holy Spirit, and we worship the one holy and loving God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit eternally.
We are an affirming church.

Our History

Grace Mennonite Church in Regina began through an organizational meeting called by C. Blake Friesen on February 27, 1955. Twenty-seven people attended this meeting and decided to organize a congregation. In July of that year they purchased a property for meeting at 1409 Victoria Ave.

Grace Mennonite finds its home in the Historical lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, and Metis nations. We gather in Treaty 4 Lands, covenanted between Indigenous and Settler peoples in 1874, "for as long as the sun shines, the green grass grows, and the waters flow". On these lands we gather in our common humanity as diverse communities, with unique stories and gifts, to learn from - and celebrate with - each other.

Today our church home is located at 2935 Pasqua Street. The sanctuary was completed in 1968 with the education wing and kitchen being completed in 1979. Small group gatherings meet throughout the week to work, study, pray, and fellowship together. From humble beginnings our congregation has grown over more than fifty years into a vibrant multi-ethnic and multi-generational Anabaptist Fellowship with more than 160 members.


Offering Grace and Peace to Stranger & Friend in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Rooted in the peaceful Anabaptist theology, Grace Mennonite Church strives to build passionate spirituality in our community, creating a nurturing, supportive witness for Christ, and service in His name.


We see a future where our church family grows to new heights as we work side by side to enrich the lives and spirits of our congregation and community, offering Grace and Peace to Stranger and Friend in the name of Jesus Christ.


Our Purpose As Mennonites. We are a Community of Disciples of Jesus, a part of the Body of Christ, covenanted together as congregations and equipping the Church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Land Acknowledgement

Grace Mennonite finds its home in the Historical lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota, Lakota, Dakota nations and the homeland of the Métis. We gather in Treaty 4 Lands, covenanted between Indigenous and Settler peoples in 1874, "for as long as the sun shines, the green grass grows, and the waters flow". On these lands we gather in our common humanity as diverse communities, with unique stories and gifts, to learn from - and celebrate with - each other.