
Join us Sunday Mornings as we learn from the Bible,

and come together in fellowship and worship.

Sunday Service & Youth Sunday School:
10 am - 11 am

Watch our services online on our Youtube page at: https://www.youtube.com/@gracemennonitechurchregina5661

Worship In Spirit & In Truth
We believe that our lives are Worship to the Lord. Worship is not just singing. It is tithes & offering, serving the church & those outside our church, sharing our faith, praying for others, and fellowship. We are a congregation who loves to sing contemporary songs, traditional and new hymns, and worship songs. Some musical highlights are occasional hymn sing services, Christmas carolling, special worship music, adult choir singing beautiful and inspirational worship anthems, and our worship band leading us in contemporary worship songs. Our children enjoy singing a “children’s song” prior to Sunday School each Sunday.