
When we connect with each other it makes us stronger, enabling us to fulfill our calling as Christians: Build Community & Serve Christ. Grace Mennonite makes a number of different programs available for our church family, including kids programs, women’s ministry programs, and seasonal events. Scroll through to find out more about how we connect with the world, and how you can connect with us!


Come and join us for “Beat the Winter Blues" Potluck lunch on Sun, March 9 after the church service. Everyone, please bring a large casserole to share and bring the following:

A - K - a large salad (to serve 10-12) & ½ dozen buns

L - Z  - a large dessert (to serve 10-12)

Everyone is welcome!

Palm Sunday

GMC is inviting the youth to join in celebrating Palm Sunday on Sunday, April 13, by starting off the service by waving the traditional Palm Leaves before the service.  The youth are asked to gather in their Sunday School rooms to get the Palm Leaves about 15 minutes before the service.  After the service everyone is invited to join in learning how to make a ‘cross’ with the Palm Leaves-Ingrid has volunteered to show us a new skill.

Easter Potluck Breakfast

Easter Sunday Breakfast: The GMC Education Ministry will be organizing the Easter Sunday Breakfast.  It will be on Sunday, April 20, from 9:00 am to 9:45 am.  It will be a ‘Pot Luck’ – we are asking folks to bring Easter food such as hard boiled eggs, paska, hot cross buns, cheese, fruit.  Coffee/Tea will be served.  We would also ask for volunteers to help with the clean-up.

We hope you can all join us for breakfast before the service!

Sandwich Day

I.S.L.A. Sandwiches for Waterston House: March 2. Please sign up in the foyer to make 2 loaves of uncut sandwiches & deliver them to the church by 10am.

Your support is appreciated.

GMC's 70th Anniversay

It's 2025! GMC began in 1955 so it is our 70th Anniversary this year!

Church Directory

A new directory is being done. Please check your emails & make sure your information is correct & up to date. If you have any changes please let Lynanne know. Also if you have a new picture you want used please email it in. There is a printed copy at the back of the church for you to look at, on the counter in front of the office. For those who do not get the emails, you can just write in any changes. All corrections need to be in by Feb 23 at the very latest. Once all corrections are made a digital copy will be sent to you. If you want a printed copy let the office know.

A Pastoral Tasks Survey was
sent out. There are printed copies in the foyer. We would like
everyone to fill out the list of what they think is
important for our pastor & put the paper in
Emilie Kossmann's mailbox or email it
to her. Thank you for
sharing your voice & your heart for the
future directions of our church family!

The Great Winter Warm-up

MCC Connects: Join us for The Great Winter Warm-up as we send warmth & comfort in the form of blankets to people experiencing conflict & disaster around the world. You can donate towards the cost of comforter supplies or make your own comforter! Please visit this link for more details:

Bring Your Own Craft

 Craft-N-Chat Social:            Thursday February 20th at 7 p.m. You are welcome to bring your project & join in the visiting. Please contact the office for details.

Womens Ministry

Grace Women's Meeting will be Mon, Feb 24, 7pm in the library.

All women are welcome!

Ladies Coffee Time

~ This Week's Ladies Coffee Group: Wednesday morning  at Southland  Mall Foodcourt; 10am.